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Carpooling Platform


Start your on-demand ride-sharing app with our white label carpooling script solution for your carpooling business.


BlaBlaCar Clone

High-performance website developed with the latest technologies.

The web experience is delivered through progressive web application (PWA). 


Mobile client application developed in Native iOS and Android language offering an optimal browsing experience for your users

Our applications are designed to respect the Guide Lines recommended by the largest download platforms such as Apple Store – Google Play.


Register on website


Book a Ride


Automatic Fare Suggestion

The user gets automatic fare suggestion which is editable based on total distance, fuel cost, the total no of seats, & vehicle category of ride.


Search Ride

Riders can search all available shared rides according to their ride pickup and drop location.


Offer Ride

A user can add a new ride and share it to get a new request from other riders if he/she wants to share their car with other.


Round Trip Offering Option

The user who offers a ride will be given a round trip option to smooth up the ride creation experience if he is planning for the return trip.


Instant Notification

Riders & Drivers both get an instant notification. They get important alerts via push requests, feedback, notifications, SMS, and email.


Chat option

Users are also provided with an app inbuilt chat option to solve any queries or to connect with another user of that ride.


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