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#1 DoctoLib Clone

High-performance website developed with the latest React technologies.

The web experience is delivered through progressive web application (PWA). 


Web dispatcher is an excellent tool for managing orders, dispatching them to the drivers, editing or updating orders, and managing failed dispatches for an entire city. 

Mobile client application developed in Native iOS and Android language offering an optimal browsing experience for your users

Our applications are designed to respect the Guide Lines recommended by the largest download platforms such as Apple Store – Google Play.

Launch your Video Doctor Platform like DoctoLib ZocDoc Maiia ....


  • Benefit users with personal, video, audio & text
    consultation from experts in real-time.
  • Create online consultation app to let the
    professionals connect, engage & consult virtually.


Our applications are built in compliance with development rules and practices such as the "Thumb zone" Optimization of the user's battery etc...


Powerful marketing tools will be provided to you to increase your audience easily and inexpensively


A powerful website developed with modern PWA technologies offering you speed comparable to giants in the field such as Deliveroo, Uber Eats etc.


All our products are accompanied by support for a minimum of one year with renewal

Filter Search

Filters are enabled for the customers to apply on any category to make the search easy and quick

Video Call

Create online consultation app to let the professionals connect, engage & consult virtually.

Customers are provided with a variety of payment options to make the checkout process faster and convenient
Prescription Secure

You can upload your prescription to your patient with our inhouse encryption system


Customers can chat with the doctor for their order in real-time and give instructions

Get an advanced appointment booking & management system for your consultation marketplace. 


With 24/7 availability & branded online presence, grow your consultation business exponentially.


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