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Exaland Market has been designed to provide Marketplace platform creators with a complete and modular solution equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies.



Our features

Android & iOS Mobile Applications developed in 100% native

Integrations with Elastic-Search, and other partners for enhanced search.


Video commerce with shoppable live streams

Our expert advice for your business

Seller On-Boarding

Allows sellers to register and create a store on the website.

Order Management

Enables sellers to manage the orders they receive from customers

Store Profile

Displays information about the seller, including ratings and products.

 Bulk Product Import with CSV & Excel

 Stripe, Paypal & many more

 Store’s Customer Data

Includes information about the customers who purchased from the seller’s store.

 Accounting and Payments

Allows sellers to manage their finances and receive payments from customers.


Live Commerce

Real-time online shopping experience with live video streaming.

Multiple Payment

Multiple payment options allow customers to pay using their preferred method


Easy Integrations

Add Multiple payment methods
Securepay, Stripe, Paypal & many more

Shipping Integration
We integrate with Shippo as of now and can do other shipping API integrations

Communication Integration
Integrate with CRM like HubSpot and Slack

Why Choose Us


Our software solution is robust, scalable and secure. SSL-powered API’s, Keychain, JWT, reverse proxy setup ensures that security extends all the way from the app to each individual API.


Using state of the art app container technology, clean coding practices, use of microservice architecture and simultaneously integrating safety & security features has made Software solution available in the market today.


Irrespective of your location or currency preference, our software solution can be customized

Seo Friendly

These are designed keeping the best SEO practices for apps. This aids in the apps overall ranking in search engines & online app stores.

Informations Needed ?
