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Complete Marketplace with job bidding & multiple bookings

Job Marketplace

This meticulously built and fully-integrated online solution will help in building a robust on demand services platform with futuristic functions and features. Also, if you want to make any inclusions depending on your on demand services business model, then it is also completely possible with our ready to use and scalable Urbanclap clone script.


Bidding service

Our Urbanclap clone allows the users on the platform to place their service needs and all the corresponding taskers can bid on that service. The user can then make his/her selection from the list of bidders based on various criteria such as reviews about the tasker, price match, and so on. With this amazing feature of our Urbanclap clone, users can find perfect taskers for their service needs quickly and effectively.


Marketplace service

Once the users place their service requirements on the on demand services platform by mentioning their service details such as the type of service required, location, the duration for that service, scheduled date.they will be shown a list of all taskers matching those specifications. The user can then hire a suitable tasker from the list for the service. The booking will be confirmed once that specific tasker accepts that service requirement from that user.


Professional service

With the professional service feature of our Urbanclap clone, the users on the on demand services platform can book the services for their own needs and can also mention the complete details regarding the duration and all other specifications for those services. An appropriate tasker will be then assigned automatically for every service job based on some key measures.


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Why Choose Us


Our software solution is robust, scalable and secure. SSL-powered API’s, Keychain, JWT, reverse proxy setup ensures that security extends all the way from the app to each individual API.


Using state of the art app container technology, clean coding practices, use of microservice architecture and simultaneously integrating safety & security features has made Software solution available in the market today.


Irrespective of your location or currency preference, our software solution can be customized

Seo Friendly

These are designed keeping the best SEO practices for apps. This aids in the apps overall ranking in search engines & online app stores.

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