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Taxi App Development

Our Taxi app developers have the expertise and experience to create exceptional taxi apps, with unique and functional features similar to those of Uber, Ola, and Careem. We ensure that our taxi apps are compatible with all platforms, including android and IOS, to ensure optimal functionality.

Preference of vehicles

One essential feature of a taxi app is that it allows users to choose the kind of vehicle they want to travel in. Some people might prefer a sedan depending on likes and utility, while some might go for an SUV. This feature enablesone to understand the need of the customers and promote relationship building with the customer.

Real-time location

This feature enables the users as well as the drivers to make the understanding of routes an easy process. They can both track not just the actual time locations but also pick routes, which saves time and money.




Safety is an essential aspect of any app. This feature is critical as it provides both the driver and the user with a sense of security. Even though companies follow a strict protocol before hiring drivers, this security feature consists of emergency buttons that can be used in case of any mishap.



Indrive Clone

InDrive like Taxi Bidding Flow : In this process, the user initiates the Ride by entering a “Bidding” price that they find suitable. This price is proposed to the Taxi Driver. If the Driver agrees to the offered Price, the Ride is confirmed. This unique system allows users to suggest a price they’re comfortable with and gives drivers the option to accept or negotiate, resulting in a mutually agreed-upon fare for the Ride.

Our Taxi Booking App

Development Services

Our mobile app development services include various features ranging from essential taxi app development services to advanced. Exaland app developers can assist you in tracking, promoting, and modernizing your rides.


Car Rentals Service

Get a customized car rental app, keep track of your bookings invoices, and efficiently manage your fleet of cars.

Taxi Booking Service

From tracking drivers to generating automated invoices for bookings, we are adept at developing software that allows you to do it all.

Corporate Taxi Business

Expand your taxi business by offering to help the corporate sector book cars as per their constantly changing needs.

Air Taxi

Cater to people’s urgent traveling demands by offering them impeccable chartered air services at the click of a button.

Limousine Service

Limousines can never go out of style. Help your customers book limos on the go, through our classy taxi booking app.

Fleet Management

Whether you have ten vehicles or a thousand, manage them in a few clicks with our fleet management solutions.

Increase Driver Efficiency

Live GPS Tracking

Flexible Payment Options

Time and cost efficient

Confirm or Cancel Ride

Ease of Booking

Professionnal Team

Scalable Applications

We always strive to provide futuristic solutions. We design scalable on-demand taxi booking software that responds immediately to sudden traffic peaks without affecting speed.

14+ Years Of Experience

We have spent 13+ years developing unique software solutions for our clients. With our experienced team, we deliver robust and satisfactory Taxi Booking App Development services.

App Store Optimized Solutions

We design, develop, and deploy taxi booking app solutions for the Android and iOS platforms, optimized for the App and Play stores, respectively.

Télécharger le Guide Ultime de création d'application Taxi / VTC 2023


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Why Choose Us


Our software solution is robust, scalable and secure. SSL-powered API’s, Keychain, JWT, reverse proxy setup ensures that security extends all the way from the app to each individual API.


Using state of the art app container technology, clean coding practices, use of microservice architecture and simultaneously integrating safety & security features has made Software solution available in the market today.


Irrespective of your location or currency preference, our software solution can be customized

Seo Friendly

These are designed keeping the best SEO practices for apps. This aids in the apps overall ranking in search engines & online app stores.

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